I know that a lot of the time when couples break up they don’t talk to each other ever and avoid each other. For some reason I don’t do that. I end up being friends with my exs, and they seem ok with it. I still try and be nice and not flaunt when I get a new boyfriend, but I can still talk to them and hang out with them like we never even dated.
I don’t get it, but it happens.
I wish I had that sometimes
Know what you mean, but… well, I couldn’t talk to my first girlfriend for years after she left me. I would start to cry and be depressed days after talking to her, it was destroying me. I simply loved her too much and wasn’t over her in the slightest and it hurt like hell to even talk to her, the same way we always did… but I knew I couldn’t have her anymore – it drove me mental. After months of trying to be just friends I couldn’t take it anymore, as it was leading me straight to clinical depression… had to stop initiating contact. It felt fucking horrible but it was either that or risk committing suicide eventually.
It’s been nearly 5 years and I can now talk to her mostly normal, but I still get somewhat melancholic after we do talk every few months or so… thing is, we’ve never stopped talking the way we did when we where together because we never where ‘just friends’ to begin with (well, we where, but it was a tiny window of a week or so).
Similar thing with my second girlfriend, with which I was together with 3 separate times already. Only this time it’s not quite as bad – possibly because over the 5 years we’ve known each other, we’ve had long stretches of time where we hardly talked as she was with someone else. Just a few back-and-fourth emails every few months or so. Now she drops by Skype every few weeks to check up on me (and really, most of the reason I have Skype on all the time is in case she comes online… looking from outside I’d say that’s sad, but it’s proven itself to be a good strategy over the years.).
Wait, what was I talking about in the first place? Oh yeah. I want to stay friends with my exes, but sometimes I just can’t because I get over relationships very very hard and slow. Eventually it gets better and then I can resume semi-normal contact (minus any talk about their current relationships).